stink-pot noun.
['stɪŋkpɒt] Also
M17.[from STINK noun + POT noun1.]1. A small missile emitting a suffocating smoke when thrown, used as a diversionary tactic in attacking and boarding a ship (
obsolete exc.
Hist.); a stink bomb.
M17.2. A bird with a strong smell,
esp. a petrel.
Nautical slang.
M19.3. A common musk turtle,
Sternotherus odoratus, which is found in SE Canada and the eastern US, and emits a foul-smelling secretion when disturbed. Also
stink-pot terrapin,
stink-pot turtle.
M19.4. slang.
a. A contemptible or objectionable person or (
occas.) thing. Freq. as a term of abuse.
M19.b. A boat or vehicle which emits foul exhaust fumes.
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