stout[adjective]Synonyms:- fat, big, bulky, burly, corpulent, fleshy, heavy, overweight, plump, portly, rotund, tubby
- strong, able-bodied, brawny, muscular, robust, stalwart, strapping, sturdy
- brave, bold, courageous, fearless, gallant, intrepid, plucky, resolute, valiant
Antonyms: spare
Contrasted words: irresolute, fainthearted
Related Idioms: bold as a lion, as strong (
or stalwart) as an English oak
Related Words: resolute,
plenitudinous [TahlilGaran] English Synonym Dictionary ▲
I. stout1 /staʊt/
Date: 1200-1300;
Language: Old French;
Origin: estout]
1. fairly fat and heavy, or having a thick body:
a short, stout man2. literary strong and thick
Synonym : sturdy:
a stout pair of shoes3. formal brave and determined
stout defence/support/resistance He put up a stout defence in court.—stoutly adverb:
She stoutly denied the rumours.—stoutness noun [uncountable] [TahlilGaran] Dictionary of Contemporary English ▲