stove-pipe noun & adjective.
['stǝʊvpʌɪp] L17.[from STOVE noun + PIPE noun1.]A. 1. Any of the pipes conveying hot air in a stove or hothouse.
L17.2. A pipe conducting smoke and gases from a stove to a chimney, funnel, etc.
M19.3. colloq.a. A man's tall cylindrical (usu. silk) hat. Also
stove-pipe hat. Orig.
M19.b. In
pl. Trousers. Now usu.
spec., narrow tight-fitting trousers.
M19.c. US Military. A portable trench mortar.
E20.b. attrib. or as
adjective. Designating narrow tight-fitting trousers.
M20. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲