stripped[adjective]Synonyms: nude, au naturel, *bare-assed, buff-bare, naked, raw, stark-naked, unclad, unclothed, undressed, open, bare, denuded, exposed, peeled, uncovered
Antonyms: clothed, dressed
Contrasted words: attired, covered, unexposed, protected
[TahlilGaran] English Synonym Dictionary ▲
stripped ppl adjective.
[strɪpt] L16.[from STRIP verb1 + -ED1.]1. That has been stripped.
L16.2. spec. Of wood (esp. pine) used for furniture etc.: that has had the paint or varnish removed so as to reveal the natural grain and colour.
M20. Comb.:
stripped-down adjective (a) (of a motor vehicle etc.) that has had all superfluous or extraneous parts removed;
fig. reduced to essentials, bare, lean;
(b) disassembled, dismantled.
[TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲