stroboscope noun.
['strǝʊbǝskǝʊp] M19.[from Greek strobos a twisting or whirling round + -SCOPE.]1. Hist. A scientific toy which produced the illusion of motion by a series of pictures viewed through the openings of a revolving disc.
M19.2. An instrument for observing the successive phases of a periodic motion by means of a strobe light flashing at an appropriate frequency.
L19. ■ strobo'scopic,
■ strobo'scopical adjectives relating to or of the nature of the stroboscope; involving rapid flashes of light:
M19. ■ strobo'scopically adverb M19. ■ stro'boscopy noun the use of stroboscopic techniques or apparatus; stroboscopic effects:
M20. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲