succedent[adjective]Synonyms: consecutive, sequent, sequential, serial, subsequent, subsequential, succeeding, successional, successive
[TahlilGaran] English Synonym Dictionary ▲
succedent adjective & noun.
[sǝk'si:d(ǝ)nt] Now
LME.[Latin succedent- pres. ppl stem of succedere SUCCEED: see -ENT.]A. adjective.
1. Following, succeeding; subsequent
LME.2. Astrology. Designating or pertaining to each of the four mundane houses (the 2nd, 5th, 8th, and 11th of the twelve divisions of the heavens) next anticlockwise from the angles (
ANGLE noun3 3). Cf.
CADENT adjective 1.
L16.b. noun.
1. A thing that follows another.
LME-E17.2. Astrology. A succedent house.
obsolete exc.
Hist. LME. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲