supereminent adjective.
[su:pǝr'ɛmɪnǝnt, sju:-] M16.[Latin supereminent- pres. ppl stem of supereminere rise above, formed as SUPER- + eminere: see EMINENT.]1. Supremely or specially high. Now
M16.2. Above others in rank or status.
L16.3. Distinguished
above others in character or attainment; conspicuous
for some quality; (of a quality etc.) specially remarkable, noteworthy above that of others.
L16.■ E. A. Poe A fantastic bow-knot of super-eminent dimensions. ■ supereminence noun the quality or fact of being supereminent
E17. ■ supereminency noun (now
rare or
obsolete) supereminence
L16. ■ supereminently adverb E17. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲