suspensory adjective & noun.
[sǝ'spɛns(ǝ)ri] LME.[French suspensoire (now -oir) from medieval Latin suspensorium stalk, from Latin suspens-: see SUSPENSION, -ORY1.]A. adjective.
1. Having the function of supporting something suspended;
spec. (a) designating a ligament, muscle, etc., by which a part of the body is suspended or anchored;
(b) designating a bandage, sling, etc., in which a diseased or injured part is suspended for support.
LME.2. Marked by or indicating mental suspense; doubtful. Only in
17.3. =
L19.b. noun.
1. A suspended weight used for traction. Only in
LME.2. A suspensory ligament, bandage, etc.
L17. ■ suspen'sorial adjective (
Anatomy) suspensory
L19. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲