swag[verb]Synonyms: seesaw, lurch, pitch, tilt, tilter, yaw, droop, flag, sag, wilt
[noun]Synonyms: spoil, boodle, booty, loot, plunder, plunderage, prize, spreaghery, spulzie, money, rhino, rocks, scratch, shekels, smash, stuff, stumpy, sugar, wampum
[TahlilGaran] English Synonym Dictionary ▲
swag /swæɡ/
Date: 1500-1600;
Origin: swag 'to sway, hang down' (16-19 centuries), probably from a Scandinavian language]
1. [uncountable] old-fashioned informal goods that someone has stolen
Synonym : loot2. [countable] a) a large piece of material that is hung above a window as decoration
b) a rope covered with flowers or fruit that is hung somewhere as decoration, or
carved or painted on something
3. [uncountable] Australian English old-fashioned clothes and possessions that someone who is travelling on foot carries wrapped in a cloth
[TahlilGaran] Dictionary of Contemporary English ▲
SWAG Scientific Wild Ass Guess
Silly Wild Ass Guess
Sold Without A Guarantee
Sophisticated Wild Ass Guess
Souvenirs, Wearables And Gifts
Still Wondering and Guessing
Stolen While At Gig
Stuff We All Get
Stupid Wild Assed Guess
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