syllogize verb.
['sɪlǝdʒʌɪz] Also
LME.[Old French sil(l)ogiser or late Latin syllogizare, from Greek sullogizesthai: see SYLLOGISM, -IZE.]1. verb intrans. Use syllogisms; reason, esp. syllogistically.
LME.■ F. Harrison He does not syllogize about the origin of things.2. verb trans. Reason (a person)
out of a condition by syllogizing.
E18.■ Southey Syllogize himself out of all hopes of an hereafter.b. Deduce (a fact, conclusion, etc.) by syllogism.
M19. ■ syllogi'zation noun (
M17. ■ syllogizer noun L16. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲