syncopate verb.
['sɪŋkǝpeɪt] E17.[Late Latin syncopat- pa. ppl stem of syncopare affect with syncope: see SYNCOPE noun, -ATE3.]1. verb trans. Shorten (a word) by omitting one or more syllables or letters in the middle; in
pass., be formed or produced in this way.
E17.2. Music.
a. verb trans. Mark (a note, passage, etc.) by syncopation.
■ I. Hay A nautical roll, syncopated by gout.b. verb intrans. Be marked by syncopation; beat out a syncopated rhythm.
L18.Sunday Express Her eager syncopate to the beat of drums. ■ syncopated ppl adjective (a) that has been syncopated; characterized by syncopation;
(b) playing or composing syncopated music:
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