tenter noun1 & verb.
['tɛntǝ] ME.[medieval Latin tentorium, from Latin tent- pa. ppl stem of tendere stretch.]A. noun.
1. A framework on which milled or printed cloth is stretched so that it can dry without shrinking or losing shape. Cf.
STENTER noun 2.
ME.2. =
L16-M19.3. Medicine. A roll or wad of absorbent material. Cf.
TENT noun3 2. Only in
17.b. verb trans.1. Stretch (cloth) on a tenter or tenters.
LME.2. fig. Set on tenterhooks; hurt as by stretching; rack, torture, (the feelings etc.).
E17-M18. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲
tenter noun2.
['tɛntǝ] M19.[from TENT verb4 + -ER1.]1. A person who lives or stays in a tent.
M19.2. A person whose job is to erect and strike tents.
M19. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲