terra noun.
['tɛrǝ] Pl. terrae
['tɛri:, -ʌɪ].
E17.[(Italian from) Latin, = earth.]
1. A medicinal or other earth, bole, etc. Usu. with specifying word.
E17.terra alba
['albǝ] [Latin, fem. of albus white] any of various white earths, as pipeclay, kaolin, etc.; now
spec. white pulverized gypsum used in the manufacture of paper, paint, etc. terra ponderosa
[pɒndǝ'rǝʊzǝ, -sa] [Latin, fem. of ponderosus heavy] barium sulphate, heavy spar. terra rossa
['rɒsǝ] [Italian, fem. of rosso red] Soil Science a reddish soil occurring on limestone in Mediterranean climates.
2. With specifying word: land, territory.
E20.terra cognita
[kɒg'ni:tǝ] [Latin, fem. of cognitus known] fig. familiar territory. terra ignota
[ɪg'nǝʊtǝ] [Latin, fem. of ignotus unknown] =
TERRA INCOGNITA. terra irredenta
[ɪrɪ'dɛntǝ] [Italian: see IRREDENTIST] =
3. (
Terra.) In science fiction, the planet Earth.
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