thaumaturgic[adjective]Synonyms: magic, magian, magical, mystic, necromantic, sorcerous, witchy, wizardly
[TahlilGaran] English Synonym Dictionary ▲
thaumaturgic noun & adjective.
[Ɵɔ:mǝ'tǝ:dʒɪk] L16.[formed as THAUMATURGE + -IC.]A. noun.
1. The art of making apparently magical devices. Only in
L16.2. In
pl. Feats of magic, conjuring tricks.
M18.b. adjective.
1. That works or can work miracles or wonders.
L17.2. Of, pertaining to, or involving thaumaturgy.
E19. ■ thaumaturgical adjective =
THAUMATURGIC adjective M17. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲