theca noun.
['Ɵi:kǝ] Pl. thecae
E17.[Latin from Greek
thēkē case.]
Zoology, &
1. A receptacle, a sheath, a cell;
esp. one enclosing some organ, part, or structure, as
(a) either of the lobes of an anther, each containing two pollen-sacs;
(b) the loose sheath enclosing the spinal cord;
(c) a cuplike or tubular structure containing a coral polyp.
Anatomy. In full
theca folliculi [fǝ'lɪkjʊlʌɪ] [mod. Latin = of the follicle]. An envelope of hormonally active cells enclosing a tertiary (vesicular) or a mature (Graafian) ovarian follicle.
Phrases & comb.:
theca cell tumour
Medicine an oestrogen-secreting ovarian tumour, sometimes malignant, consisting of cells like those of the theca folliculi; also called
thecoma. theca externa
[ɛk'stǝ:nǝ] Anatomy the outer fibrous layer of the theca folliculi.
theca folliculi: see sense 2 above. theca interna
[ɪn'tǝ:nǝ] Anatomy the inner vascular layer of the theca folliculi.
■ thecal adjective of, pertaining to, or of the nature of a theca
M19. ■ thecate adjective having a theca
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