threap verb & noun.
[Ɵri:p] Now
Scot. &
north. Also
[Old English Þrēapian, of unkn. origin.]A. verb.
1. verb trans. Rebuke, reprove, scold, blame.
OE.2. verb intrans. Inveigh
against; argue (
with); quarrel, bicker; wrangle.
ME.3. verb trans. Persist in asserting, maintain, (something,
LME.b. Insist on or persist in doing something. Foll. by
to do.
E19.4. a. verb trans. Impose (a belief etc.)
on a person, esp. by persistent assertion.
LME-E17.b. verb trans. Impute, attribute, or ascribe (a specified quality) to a person. Foll. by
on, of.
M16-M18.c. verb trans. Thrust or press (something)
on a person.
L16.d. verb intrans. Urge some action of (a person); nag. Usu. foll. by
at, on.
E19.b. noun. The action or an act of threaping.
threap-land(s) land of disputed ownership;
spec. (
Hist.) the tract between the Rivers Esk and Sark on the border between England and Scotland.
■ threaper noun L19. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲