trigram noun.
['trʌɪgram] E17.[from TRI- + -GRAM. Cf. DIGRAM, MONOGRAM.]1. A group of three letters, a trigraph;
Psychology a (nonsense) word of three letters used in the study of learning or memory.
E17.2. A three-stroke figure or character;
spec. each of eight figures composed of three whole or broken parallel lines, occurring with sixty-four hexagrams in the ancient Chinese text
I Ching, and traditionally used for divination.
E17.3. Geometry etc. A set of three lines;
spec. the figure formed by three straight lines in one plane not intersecting in the same point. Also more generally, any figure composed of three elements.
E17. ■ trigra'mmatic adjective (
rare) of, pertaining to, or of the nature of a trigram
E19. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲