tuning noun.
['tju:nɪŋ] M16.[from TUNE verb + -ING1.]The action of
TUNE verb, an instance of this;
spec. (a) the action or process of putting a musical instrument in tune; a system by which this is done;
(b) the process of adjusting an engine or its parts in order to increase efficiency;
(c) the adjustment of a transmitter or receiver to a particular signal frequency or wavelength; variation of the resonant frequency of an oscillatory circuit; the facility on a radio set etc. allowing reception of different stations, frequencies, or wavelengths.
tuning-cone a hollow cone of wood or metal used for tuning the metal flue-pipes of an organ;
tuning-fork: see
FORK noun 4;
tuning-hammer a tuning-key used to drive in the wrest-pins in a piano;
tuning-key a key used to turn the wrest-pins when tuning or fitting strings in a piano, harp, etc.;
tuning meter a device which measures how accurately a radio receiver is tuned to a given frequency etc.;
tuning-pin any of the pegs round which the strings of a stringed instrument are passed, and which are turned to tune the instrument; a wrest-pin;
tuning-slide a slide in a metal wind instrument, used to bring it into tune;
tuning-wire a bent wire in a reed-pipe of an organ, used in tuning.
[TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲