turnsole noun.
['tǝ:nsǝʊl] Also tournesol
LME.[Old French tournesole (mod. tournesol) from Italian tornasole or Spanish tornasol, from Latin tornare TURN verb + sol sun.]1. A violet-blue or purple substance obtained from the plant
Chrozophora tinctoria (see sense 2) formerly much used for colouring jellies, confectionery, wines, etc., and as a pigment.
LME.b. [app. by confusion in French.] =
rare or
M19.2. A plant whose flowers follow the sun or open and shut with the sun's motions;
esp. (a) a Mediterranean plant of the spurge family,
Chrozophora tinctoria, cultivated in the south of France for its colouring juice (see sense 1);
(b) a heliotrope, esp.
Heliotropium europaeum;
(c) the sunflower,
Helianthus annuus.
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