unipolar adjective.
[ju:nɪ'pǝʊlǝ] E19.[from UNI- + POLAR.]1. Electricity.
a. Produced by or proceeding from one magnetic pole; exhibiting one kind of polarity.
E19.unipolar induction electrical induction in which a continuous direct current is produced in a conductor joining a magnetic pole and equator by the rotation of either the conductor or the magnet.
b. Of apparatus: having or operating by means of one magnetic pole; involving or operating by means of unipolar induction.
L19.2. Biology. Of nerve cells etc.: having one pole or process.
M19.3. Electronics. Of a transistor etc.: involving conduction by charge carriers of a single polarity.
M20.4. Psychiatry. Of a psychiatric disorder: characterized by either depressive or (more rarely) manic episodes but not both.
M20. ■ unipo'larity noun the condition or quality of being unipolar
L19. ■ unipolarly adverb E20. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲