universalize verb trans. [ju:nɪ'vǝ:s(ǝ)lʌɪz] Also
M17.[from UNIVERSAL adjective + -IZE.]1. Make universal; give a universal character to; apply or extend to all the members of a class.
M17.2. Bring into universal use; extend over the whole of an area.
E19. ■ universaliza'bility noun the quality of being universalizable
M20. ■ universa'lizable adjective (chiefly
Philosophy) that can be made universal; capable of universal application:
M20. ■ universa'lizably adverb M20. ■ universali'zation noun the action or an act of universalizing; the process of becoming universal:
L18. ■ universalizer noun M19. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲