univocal[adjective]Synonyms: clear, apparent, distinct, evident, manifest, obvious, palpable, patent, plain, unequivocal
Antonyms: ambiguous
[TahlilGaran] English Synonym Dictionary ▲
univocal adjective & noun.
[ju:nɪ'vǝʊk(ǝ)l, ju:'nɪvǝk(ǝ)l] M16.[Late Latin univocus having one meaning, formed as UNI- + voc-, vox VOICE noun: see -AL1.]A. adjective.
1. Chiefly
Medicine. Of a symptom, sign, etc.: signifying one thing; certain or unmistakable in significance.
M16-L18.2. Now chiefly
Logic. Of a term or word: having only one proper meaning; capable of only one single interpretation; unambiguous. Opp.
EQUIVOCAL adjective 2.
L16.3. Uniform, homogeneous.
E17-E18.4. Made, uttered, etc., (as) with one voice; unanimous.
E17-M18.5. Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of things of the same name, order, or species.
M17-E19.b. noun. A univocal term or word.
L17. ■ univo'cality noun M20. ■ univocally adverb (a) with only one meaning; unambiguously;
(b) by members of the same species; regularly, normally;
(c) rare unanimously:
L16. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲