valvula noun.
['valvjʊlǝ] Pl. -lae
E17.[mod. Latin, dim. of Latin valva: see VALVE noun, -ULE.]1. Anatomy. A valve or valvule. Usu. with Latin specifying word.
E17.2. Entomology. An elongated bladelike process attached to the coxa or valvifer of some female insects, forming part of the ovipositor; a valve.
E20. ■ valvular adjective (chiefly
Medicine &
Botany) of, relating to, or affecting a valve or valves,
esp. the valves of the heart; functioning as a valve:
L18. ■ valvu'litis noun (
Medicine) inflammation of one or more valves, esp. of the heart
L19. ■ valvuloplasty noun (
Medicine) (an instance of) the surgical repair of a valve, esp. of the heart
M20. ■ valvu'lotomy noun (
Medicine) =
VALVOTOMY E20. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲