versicle noun.
['vǝ:sɪk(ǝ)l] ME.[Old & mod. French
versicule, or Latin
versiculus dim. of
versus: see
VERSE noun,
Christian Church. A short sentence (usu. from the Bible, esp. the Psalms) said or sung antiphonally in a liturgy;
esp. one said or sung by the officiant and followed by the response of the congregation. Also (in
pl.), a set of these sentences with their accompanying responses.
ME.2. A little verse;
spec. (a) a short clause or sentence; =
VERSE noun 6;
(b) a single metrical line;
(c) any of the subdivisions of a Hebrew verse.
L15. ■ versicular
[vǝ:'sɪkjʊlǝ] adjective of, pertaining to, or consisting of (esp. biblical) versicles or verses
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