vesicular adjective.
[vɪ'sɪkjʊlǝ] E18.[from VESICULA + -AR1.]1. Having the form or structure of a vesicle; bladder-like.
E18.2. Characterized by the presence of vesicles; composed of parts having the form of vesicles.
E18.3. Medicine.
a. Characterized by the formation or presence of vesicles on the skin.
E19.SWINE vesicular disease.
b. Affecting or connected with the vesicles or alveoli of the lungs.
E19.4. Zoology. Designating parasitic worms that spend part of the life cycle contained in a cyst.
M19. ■ vesicu'larity noun (
Geology) vesicular condition
E20. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲