vox noun.
[vɒks] M16.[Latin.]
Voice, sound. Only in phrs. below.
vox angelica
[an'dʒɛlɪkǝ] [Latin = angelic] =
VOIX CéLESTE. vox humana
[hjʊ'mɑ:nǝ] [Latin = human] an organ reed-stop, having an 8-ft pitch, producing a tone supposedly resembling the human voice. vox nihili
['nʌɪ(h)ɪlʌɪ, -li:] [Latin = of nothing] a worthless or meaningless word,
esp. one produced by a scribal or printer's error. vox populi
['pɒpjʊlʌɪ, -li:] [Latin = of the people] expressed general opinion; common talk or rumour.
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