warping noun.
['wɔ:pɪŋ] ME.[formed as WARPER + -ING1.]1. The action of throwing something.
ME-L15.2. a. The preparation of a warp for weaving.
LME.b. =
WARP noun 1.
L17.3. a. Silt or alluvial sediment deposited by water.
LME.b. The process of silting over low-lying land by flooding.
L18.4. a. The action of twisting, bending, or distorting something; the fact of becoming twisted or bent out of shape; an instance of this.
LME.b. fig. The action or an act of distorting or perverting a person's behaviour, thoughts, etc., from the right course or direction; the fact of deviating or going astray.
E17.5. The action of towing a ship by means of warps.
E16.6. The action of scheming or plotting; a fabrication.
L16-E19.7. Angling. The wound thread attaching an artificial fly to a hook.
L17.8. Carpentry. A strengthening brace, a strut.
warping-buoy: used in warping a ship;
warping-mill: on to which the threads are run in weaving;
warping-post a strong post used in warping rope-yarn.
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