whang interjection & adverb. [waŋ] colloq.
whang noun. [waŋ] Also wang.
whang noun. [waŋ]
whang verb. [waŋ] Also wang.
whang verb intrans. [waŋ] colloq. Also wang.
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English Dictionarywhang interjection & adverb.
[waŋ] colloq. M19.[from WHANG noun2, verb2.]Repr., with, a loud resounding noise, with a whang.
[TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲
whang noun1.
[waŋ] Also
E16.[Alt. of THONG noun. Cf. WHANG verb1.]1. A narrow strip of hide or leather, a thong.
Scot. &
dial. E16.2. A thick slice of bread, cheese, etc.
Scot. &
dial. L17.3. The penis.
coarse slang (chiefly
M20. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲
whang noun2.
[waŋ] E19.[Imit. Cf. WHANG verb1.]A resounding blow; the noise of this.
[TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲
whang verb1.
[waŋ] Also
L17.[Alt. of THONG verb. Cf. WHANG noun1, noun2.]1. a. verb trans. Beat (as) with a thong; lash.
Scot. &
dial. L17.b. verb trans. & intrans. Strike, drive, throw or be thrown, etc., with force or violent impact. (Not always distinguishable from
WHANG verb2.)
colloq. E19.■ E. Birney The corporal..whanged his pipe spitefully against the table leg. ■ D. Bogarde A stone..whanged..against the bonnet of the car. ■ P. Theroux They had flown the..gunship into the darkness, their rotor blades whanging the low branches.2. verb trans. Cut in large slices.
Scot. &
dial. M18. ■ whanger noun (a) rare a violent thief;
(b) US coarse slang the penis:
E18. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲
whang verb2 intrans. [waŋ] colloq. Also
M19.[Imit.]Make a loud resounding noise; move or strike with such a noise. (Not always distinguishable from
WHANG verb1 1b.)
■ J. Leasor The bullets whanged off a door. Motor You rush from the pits just as the leading Porsches whang past. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲