wide awake[adjective]Synonyms: watchful, alert, open-eyed, unsleeping, vigilant, wakeful
Related Words: alive,
sensible [TahlilGaran] English Synonym Dictionary ▲
wide-awake adjective & noun.
['wʌɪdǝweɪk] Also (as pred. adjective) wide awake
[wʌɪd ǝ'weɪk].
E19.[from WIDE adverb + AWAKE adjective.]A. adjectival phr.1. Awake with the eyes wide open; fully awake. Usu.
pred. E19.2. fig. Thoroughly vigilant or alert; sharp-witted, knowing.
colloq. (orig.
M19.3. wide-awake hat, a soft felt hat with broad brim and low crown
[punningly so named as not having a nap].
M19.b. noun.
1. A wide-awake hat (see sense A.3 above).
M19.2. The sooty tern,
Sterna fuscata, so called from its cry.
L19. ■ wide-a'wakeness noun M19. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲