xylography noun.
[zʌɪ'lɒgrǝfi] E19.[from
The art of making woodcuts or wood-engravings, esp. of an early or primitive kind. Also, printing from wood blocks as distinct from type.
■ 'xylograph
noun & verb (a) noun an image cut or engraved on wood; an impression from one, esp. of an early kind;
(b) verb trans. make or reproduce by xylography:
M19. ■ xylographer
noun a maker of woodcuts, esp. of the early period
E19. ■ xylo'graphic
adjective of, pertaining to, or executed by xylography
E19. ■ xylographica
[-'grafɪkǝ] noun pl. examples of xylography, as woodcuts, block-books, etc.
M20. ■ xylo'graphical adjective =
xylographic E19. ■ xylo'graphically adverb by means of xylography
L19. ■ xylographist noun =
xylographer M19. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲