Zener noun1.
['zi:nǝ] M20.[Karl Edward Zener (1903-61), US psychologist.]Psychology. Used
attrib. with ref. to a type of card, used in packs of 25 in card-guessing tests in ESP experiments.
[TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲
Zener noun2.
['zi:nǝ] M20.[Clarence Melvin Zener (1905-93), US physicist.]Electronics.
1. Used
attrib. to designate various concepts, devices, etc., connected with or arising from Zener's research.
M20.Zener breakdown =
Zener effect below.
Zener diode a junction diode in which the forward characteristic is like that of an ordinary diode but there is a sudden large increase in reverse current at a certain constant reverse voltage owing to the Zener effect or the avalanche effect.
Zener effect the increase in reverse current of a Zener diode when attributed to the tunnelling of current-carriers through the transition region rather than to the avalanche effect.
Zener voltage the voltage at which the Zener effect occurs; the reverse breakdown voltage of a Zener diode.
2. A Zener diode.
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