intelligent having a high level of mental ability, and good at thinking clearly and understanding ideas:
The top universities aim to select the most intelligent students.clever especially British English,
smart especially American English intelligent, so that you can think and learn quickly and find ways to solve problems:
That was very clever of you. How did you do that? I wasn’t smart enough to be a lawyer.bright intelligent – used especially about children and young people:
He’s a very bright kid. the brightest student in the classbrilliant extremely intelligent and good at the work you do:
a brilliant scientistgifted a gifted child is much more intelligent than most other children:
a special school for gifted childrenwise able to make good decisions and give sensible advice, especially because you have a lot of experience:
a wise old mancunning/crafty good at using your intelligence to get what you want, often by making secret plans or tricking people:
She was cunning enough to keep this latest piece of information secret. He’s a crafty old devil!brainy informal intelligent and good at studying:
My sister is the brainy one in our family. [TahlilGaran] English Thesaurus ▲