concretion noun.
[kǝn'kri:ʃ(ǝ)n] M16.[French concrétion or Latin concretio(n-), from concret- pa. ppl stem of concrescere: see CONCRETE adjective & noun.]1. The action or process of growing together or uniting in one mass; coalescence.
M16.b. Congelation or coagulation of a liquid.
E17.2. Union with a material thing.
E17-M18.3. A concreted mass (
of); a lump, a nodule.
E17.b. spec. Medicine. A calculus or hardened deposit in the body.
M17.c. Geology. A nodule of distinct mineral composition occurring (usu. around a nucleus) in sedimentary rock.
M19.4. The action of expressing (an idea etc.) in concrete form; an embodiment in concrete form.
M17. ■ concretionary adjective (esp.
Geology) formed by concretion; marked by or consisting of concretions:
M19. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲