engraft verb.
[ɪn'grɑ:ft, ɛn-] Also
L16.[from EN-1, IN-2 + GRAFT verb1. See also earlier ENGRAFF.]1. verb trans. & intrans. =
GRAFT verb1 1,4. (Foll. by
into, upon.)
L16.2. verb trans. Implant, incorporate, (
in or
into an already existing system etc.); add
on to an already existing base; =
GRAFT verb1 2a.
L16.■ Henry Fielding Acquiring solid lasting habits of virtue, and ingrafting them into our character. ■ J. Grant It had been added to, or engrafted on, the tall, old, square baronial tower.3. verb trans. Add to the stock of a trading company.
L17-L18.4. verb trans. Introduce smallpox virus into (a person's system); inoculate. Only in
E18.5. verb trans. =
GRAFT verb1 6.
L19. ■ engraftment noun the action or an act of engrafting; a graft:
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