fissiparous adjective.
[fɪ'sɪp(ǝ)rǝs] M19.[Irreg. from Latin
fissus pa. pple of
findere to split, after
viviparous etc.]
Biology. Reproducing by fission; of or pertaining to reproduction by fission.
M19.2. Tending to split or divide; pertaining to splitting or division.
L19.■ R. Quirk The fissiparous tendencies that local needs and nationalist susceptibilities are fostering. ■ fissiparity
[fɪsɪ'parɪti] noun (a) the quality of being fissiparous;
(b) the process of fissiparous reproduction:
L19. ■ fissiparously adverb L19. ■ fissiparousness noun M20. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲