valley an area of lower land between two lines of hills or mountains, usually with a river flowing through it:
The route passes through a remote mountain valley.
a trek up the Gokyo Valley to see Mount Everestgorge a deep narrow valley with steep sides - often used in names, especially in Europe:
The river flows through a deep gorge.
Cheddar Gorgecanyon a deep valley with very steep sides - often used in names, especially in North and South America:
She looked down the side of the canyon.
We visited the Grand Canyon in Arizona.ravine a small valley with very steep sides:
He fell down a ravine.glen a deep narrow valley in Scotland or Ireland:
They followed the river along the glen.
the Glens of Antrimgully a small narrow valley, usually formed by a lot of rain flowing down the side of a hill:
They reached the top by scrambling up a gully. [TahlilGaran] English Thesaurus ▲