incommodious[adjective]Synonyms: inconvenient, awkward, discommoding, discommodious, embarrassing, cramped, confined, cramp, squeezy, tucked up
Antonyms: commodious
[TahlilGaran] English Synonym Dictionary ▲
incommodious adjective.
[ɪnkǝ'mǝʊdɪǝs] M16.[from IN-3 + COMMODIOUS.]1. Causing inconvenience or discomfort; troublesome, annoying.
M16.b. Of a person, a person's character: troublesome, difficult to get on with.
L16-L18.2. Unprofitable; unsuitable; inappropriate.
M16-E18.3. Injurious, harmful.
L16-M17.4. Of a place, room, etc.: not convenient for the purpose; not affording good accommodation.
E17. ■ incommodiously adverb M16. ■ incommodiousness noun the quality of being incommodious; (an) inconvenience:
E17. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲