Monophysite noun & adjective.
[mǝ'nɒfɪsʌɪt] L17.[ecclesiastical Latin
Monophysita from ecclesiastical Greek
monophusitēs, formed as
phusis nature: see
Christian Theology.
noun. A person who holds that there is only one inseparable nature in the person of Jesus, contrary to a declaration of the council of Chalcedon (
AD 451).
adjective. Of or pertaining to the doctrine of the Monophysites or a Church professing this doctrine.
L18.► The term has long been used loosely of those Eastern Churches which did not accept the Chalcedonian canons, i.e. chiefly the Coptic, Ethiopian, Armenian, and Jacobite Churches.
■ monophysitic
[,mɒnǝ(ʊ)fɪ'sɪtɪk] adjective (
rare) =
MONOPHYSITE adjective E19. ■ monophysitism noun the doctrine of the Monophysites
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