rubric[noun]Synonyms: name, appellation, appellative, cognomen, compellation, denomination, designation, nomen, style, title
[adjective]Synonyms: noteworthy, bodacious, memorable, nameable, notable, observable, red-letter
[verb]Synonyms: redden, incarnadine, rubify, ruby, rud, ruddle, ruddy
[TahlilGaran] English Synonym Dictionary ▲
ru‧bric /ˈruːbrɪk/
noun [countable][
Date: 1200-1300;
Language: Old French;
Origin: rubrique 'words written in red', from Latin rubrica, from ruber 'red']
1. formal a set of instructions or an explanation in a book, examination paper etc
2. a title under which particular things are mentioned or discussed:
The names were listed under the rubric ‘Contributors’. [TahlilGaran] Dictionary of Contemporary English ▲