spinous adjective.
['spʌɪnǝs] LME.[Latin spinosus, from spina SPINE: see -OUS.]1. Botany. Having spines or thorns; spiny. Also, of the nature of a spine.
LME.2. fig. Resembling or suggestive of a thorn or thorns in respect of sharpness and aridity; unpleasant and difficult or unprofitable to handle or deal with.
M17.3. Chiefly
Zoology. Armed or covered with spines; spinigerous.
M18.4. Having the form of a spine or thorn; slender and sharp-pointed.
M18.spinous process a process or apophysis in the form of a spine, esp. on a vertebra.
■ spinousness noun M19. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲