suspensive adjective.
[sǝ'spɛnsɪv] L15.[Old & mod. French suspensif, -ive or medieval Latin suspensivus, from suspens-: see SUSPENSION, -IVE.]1. Sustained. Only in
L15.2. Liable to be suspended.
M16-L18.3. Having the power or effect of deferring or temporarily stopping the operation of something; involving such action;
spec. (
Law) designating a condition or obligation whose operation is suspended until some event occurs.
E17.4. Indecisive; undecided in mind; of, pertaining to, or in a state of suspense; (of a word, phrase, etc.) expressing or indicating suspense.
E17. ■ suspensively adverb L15. ■ suspensiveness noun E19. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲