true ●●●●●

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true /truː/ adjective
true adverb
true noun

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کامپیوتر: صحیح

[TahlilGaran] Persian Dictionary

- correct, accurate, authentic, factual, genuine, precise, real, right, truthful, veracious
- faithful, dedicated, devoted, dutiful, loyal, reliable, staunch, steady, trustworthy
- exact, accurate, on target, perfect, precise, spot-on (Brit. informal), unerring
Antonyms: false, fickle, untrue
Contrasted words: imprecise, inaccurate, incorrect, inexact, erroneous, false, deceitful, artificial, fake, faked, feigned, insincere, inappropriate, unfitting, illegitimate, spurious, supposititious, independable, undependable, untrustworthy, doubtful, questionable
Related Idioms: true to the letter
Related Words: sincere, unfeigned, whole-hearted, whole-souled, creditable, estimable, worthy, high-principled, right-minded, truehearted, careful, conscientious, meticulous, punctilious, scrupulous, finicky, fussy, overnice, accurate, precise, absolute, mathematical, genuine, kosher, unfaked, natural, normal, regular, typical, acceptable, applicable, befitting, likely, suitable, lawful, legal, proper, meaningful, significant, expressive, indicative, suggestive
English Thesaurus: faithful, loyal, devoted, staunch, steadfast, ...

[TahlilGaran] English Synonym Dictionary

I. true1 S1 W1 /truː/ adjective
[Word Family: adverb: truly, truthfullyuntruthfully, true; noun: truthuntruth, truthfulness; adjective: trueuntrue, truthfuluntruthful]
[Language: Old English; Origin: treowe 'faithful']

1. NOT FALSE based on facts and not imagined or invented Antonym : falsetruly, truth
it is true (that)
It’s not true that I’m going to marry him.
No, honestly, it’s a true story.
Students decide if statements are true or false.
true of
The same is true of all political parties.
true for
This is especially true for old people.
It’s generally true to say that fewer people are needed nowadays.
The results appear to hold true (=still be correct) for other countries.too good to be true at good1(24), ⇒ not ring true at ring2(5)

2. REAL [only before noun] the true nature of something is its real nature, which may be hidden or not known Synonym : real
true value/cost etc (of something)
The house was sold for only a fraction of its true value.
We need to understand the true extent of the problem.
true nature/meaning/identity etc (of something)
She wasn’t aware of the true nature of their relationship.
She managed to conceal her true feelings.
After a couple of days she showed her true self (=real character).

3. ADMITTING SOMETHING especially spoken used when you are admitting that something is correct, but saying that something else, often opposite, is also correct:
‘He’s very hard-working.’ ‘True, but I still don’t think he’s the right man for the job.’
it is true (that)
It is true that there have been improvements in some areas.

4. PROPER [only before noun] having all the qualities which a type of thing or person should have:
The heroine finally finds true love.
She’s been a true friend to me.
It’s an amateur sport in the true sense of the word (=with the exact meaning of this word).

5. come true if wishes, dreams etc come true, they happen in the way that someone has said or hoped that they would:
The prediction seems to have come a dream come true at dream1(5)

6. LOYAL faithful and loyal to someone, whatever happens
true to
Throughout the whole ordeal, she remained true to her husband.

7. true to form/type used to say that someone is behaving in the bad way that you expect them to:
True to form, Henry turned up late.

8. true to your word/principles etc behaving in the way you said you would or according to principles which you believe in:
He was true to his word and said nothing about it to Lisa.

9. true to life/true-to-life a book, play, description etc that is true to life seems very real and natural Synonym : realistic:
The film is frighteningly true-to-life and very funny.

10. (all/only) too true used to say that you know something is true, when you do not like it:
‘It’s not as easy as it looks.’ ‘Too true!’
It is only too true that people are judged by their accents.

11. STRAIGHT/LEVEL [not before noun] technical fitted, placed, or formed in a way that is perfectly flat, straight, correct etc:
If the door’s not true, it won’t close properly.

12. sb’s aim is true if your aim is true, you hit the thing that you were throwing or shooting at

13. your true colours if you show your true colours, you do something which shows what your real attitudes and qualities are, especially when they are bad
show/reveal your true colours
He was forced to reveal his true colours when asked how he would vote.

14. (there’s) many a true word spoken in jest old-fashioned used to say that when people are joking they sometimes say things that are true and important

[TahlilGaran] Dictionary of Contemporary English

II. true2 adverb
[Word Family: adverb: truly, truthfullyuntruthfully, true; noun: truthuntruth, truthfulness; adjective: trueuntrue, truthfuluntruthful]

1. in an exact straight line:
The arrow flew straight and true to its target.

2. technical if a type of animal breeds true, the young animals are exactly like their parents

[TahlilGaran] Dictionary of Contemporary English

III. true3 noun
out of true British English not completely straight, level, or balanced:
The walls are slightly out of true.

[TahlilGaran] Dictionary of Contemporary English

I. right or correct
VERBS be, ring, seem, sound Her explanation doesn't ring quite true.
come All her wishes came true. It was like a dream come true.
ADV. particularly, very This is particularly true of older women. | absolutely, perfectly, quite It's perfectly true that I didn't help much, but I was busy.
certainly While this is certainly true for some, it's not true for others.
by no means, far from, not at all This degree of inequality was by no means true of all Victorian marriages. ‘That's not true at all, ’ he said firmly.
hardly, not completely, not entirely, not quite, not strictly, scarcely It's hardly true to call cleaning windows a ‘profession’. That's not strictly true, I'm afraid. | almost, more or less, pretty well The story is more or less true. | objectively

[TahlilGaran] Collocations Dictionary

II. faithful
VERBS be | remain, stay
ADV. absolutely
PREP. to She stayed true to her principles.

[TahlilGaran] Collocations Dictionary


the true nature of something
The prisoners are encouraged to confront the true nature of their crimes.
the true value of something
At the time, I did not recognise the true value of my discovery.
the true cost of something
The fixed prescription charge conceals from the general public the true cost of medicines.
the true extent of something
Our main difficulty is finding out the true extent of the problem.
the true meaning of something
The story teaches a lesson about the true meaning of friendship.
sb’s true identity
He knew someone would soon discover his true identity.
sb’s true feelings
Stephen’s controlled voice disguised his true feelings.
sb’s true self (=someone’s real character)
He had revealed his true self.

[TahlilGaran] Collocations Dictionary

faithful continuing to support a person, party, belief etc for a long time:
his long and faithful service to the party
his faithful servant
He remained faithful to his fatherland right to the end.
She was one of the party’s most faithful and hardworking members.
loyal supporting a particular person, party, set of beliefs, etc – used especially about someone you can can trust and depend on to support you:
a loyal friend
loyal party members
The women have remained loyal to the goals of the Communist Party.
I am not blindly loyal. If I see something that I think is a mistake which could be handled better, I will say so.
devoted strongly supporting someone or something because you admire them, love them, or enjoy what they do:
the author’s devoted fans
her devoted husband
staunch [only before noun] a staunch supporter, defender, or ally is very loyal, in spite of problems or difficulties:
He is a staunch supporter of the president.
a staunch defender of civil liberties
the US’s staunchest ally
steadfast [usually before noun] a steadfast friend or supporter is very loyal. Also used about someone’s support or service:
Lewis was a generous and steadfast friend.
the steadfast support of America's allies
The Queen has set a shining example of steadfast service to her country.
true faithful and loyal to someone, or to your beliefs, principles etc, even if there are problems:
In times like these you find out who your true friends are.
He remained true to his socialist priniciples.
She promised that she would always be true to him.
patriotic feeling a lot of love and respect for your country:
Americans are very patriotric.
His speech was full of patriotic rhetoric.

[TahlilGaran] English Thesaurus

genuine used about a feeling, thing, or person that really is what they seem to be:
genuine concern
Experts believe that the painting is genuine.
genuine refugees
a genuine reason for taking time off work
If a student has genuine religious objections to a school activity, they do not have to participate.
real not false or artificial:
real wood
His real name is Reginald.
It looks just like the real thing.
Are those flowers real or artificial?
authentic authentic food, music, clothes etc are correct for the place or the period in history that they are supposed to be from:
It’s a friendly restaurant offering authentic Greek food.
authentic medieval instruments
The dancers wore authentic Native American designs.
true [only before noun] having all the qualities you would expect a particular type of person or thing to have:
a true friend
She is a true professional.
Being a true Red Sox fan, he never missed a game.
True Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God.
bona fide /ˌbəʊnə ˈfaɪdi $ ˈbəʊnə faɪd/ [usually before noun] bona fide people or things are really what they say they are, especially when this can be checked by looking at official documents:
a bona fide medical qualification
a bona fide company
This club is only open to bona fide members.
hard evidence/facts evidence or facts that are genuine and can be proved:
There was no hard evidence to support the theory.

[TahlilGaran] English Thesaurus

true based on real facts, and not imagined or invented:
The film was based on a true story.
Do you think the rumours are true?
accurate based on facts and not containing any mistakes – used about descriptions, information, and numbers:
The measurements are accurate.
His assessment of the current economic situation is accurate.
undeniable/indisputable definitely true, so that no one can argue or disagree about it:
It is indisputable that the situation has got worse.
The decline in inflation was undeniable, even if the reasons for the decline were unclear.
factual based on facts, or involving facts:
The court makes its decision based on factual evidence.
There is very little factual information about the incident.
a factual account of what happened
The questions ask for a purely factual answer, not for opinion.
verifiable formal able to be proven to be true or correct:
The data was verifiable.
it is a fact used when saying that something is definitely true:
It is a fact that women live longer than men.
be the truth to be true – used when saying that someone is not lying:
What I told you was the truth.
be the case if a situation is the case, that is the way the situation truly is:
It is certainly the case that crime rates are lower in Europe than in the US.

[TahlilGaran] English Thesaurus

See: come true , hold true , run true to form

[TahlilGaran] English Idioms Dictionary

TahlilGaran Online Dictionary ver 18.0
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TahlilGaran : دیکشنری آنلاین تحلیلگران ( معنی true ) | علیرضا معتمد , دیکشنری تحلیلگران , وب اپلیکیشن , تحلیلگران , دیکشنری , آنلاین , آیفون , IOS , آموزش مجازی 4.54 : 2289
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