vulturine[adjective]Synonyms: rapacious, predacious, predative, predatorial, predatory, raptorial, vulturish, vulturous
[TahlilGaran] English Synonym Dictionary ▲
vulturine adjective.
['vʌltʃǝrʌɪn] M17.[Latin vulturinus, from vultur: see VULTURE verb, -INE1.]Of, pertaining to, or resembling a vulture or vultures; vulturous;
fig. rapacious.
vulturine guinea-fowl a large E. African guinea-fowl,
Acryllium vulturinum, which has a bare head and upper neck, and a mantle of long, striped iridescent feathers.
vulturine parrot either of two parrots which have bare foreheads and feed on soft fruit,
Gypopsitta vulturina of Brazil and
Psittrichas fulgidus of New Guinea.
[TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲