bandbox[adjective]Synonyms: dapper, doggish, doggy, natty, sassy, sparkish, spiffy, spruce, sprucy, well-groomed
[TahlilGaran] English Synonym Dictionary ▲
bandbox noun & adjective.
['bandbɒks] M17.[from BAND noun2 + BOX noun2.]A. noun. A lightweight paper-covered box for millinery (orig. for neckbands).
M17.look as if one came out of a bandbox & vars., look extremely smart.
b. attrib. or as
adjective. Resembling a bandbox; providing little space; fragile, flimsy; conspicuously neat and smart.
L18.■ N. Shute It had come through the Grand Prix unscratched, in bandbox condition. ■ band'boxical adjective resembling a bandbox, esp. in providing little space
L18. ■ bandboxy adjective =
BANDBOX adjective M19. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲